Geocentric installation

Dec 10, 2024·
Qi Zhang 張琦
Qi Zhang 張琦
· 1 min read
Table of Contents


  1. Geocentric is a simulation platform built on the deal.II finite-element library, p4est mesh handling library, and the Trilinos project. It is not an open-source software, so this instruction is just written for myself ❤️.
  2. Installation is not a very simple task, compared with the installation of commerical FEM softwares.
  3. Fortunately, we have the The deal.II/ASPECT virtual machine image, which implies we do not need to install deal.II or its dependencies manually 👋.


  • Download dealvm_1.21.ova from the above website.
  • Download the Oracle VirtualBox and install it.
  • Import the dealvm_1.21.ova into the VirtualBox by following the basic instructions (default setting should be enough).
  • Open the virtual Ubuntu system and download the from the Email attachment.
  • Unzip the file and move the folder to the Desktop.
  • Install Eigen library by downloading the eigen-3.4.0.tar.gz file.
  • Unzip the file using the following command and you will get a folder named eigen-3.4.0.
  • Rename the folder name to eigen3 and move it to the following directory.
tar -xzvf eigen-3.4.0.tar.gz
mv eigen-3.4.0 eigen3
mv eigen3 /home/ubuntu/deal.II/installed/include/
  • Run the simple test file
cd /home/ubuntu/Desktop/Geocentric/solvers/AMCC-ANDPM-new
./solver 2 parameters/input_e2_debug_couldrun.prm
  • Congratulations! You are done with the installation!